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Portable Medical Solutions Slide 2

There are trends in the medical field that are driving this market and the key segments that TI is involved in. The first factor is the aging of populations in the US, Japan, and Europe. People are living longer than ever before, and as they are getting older, many of them are affected by chronic diseases that need treatment. Another factor is continuously rising healthcare costs, and this is not just in the US, but on a global basis. About $2.4 trillion was spent on health care in the US in 2008 and about $5 trillion spent worldwide. This trend is projected to continue to increase. The third factor is the remote areas and emerging economies that are going to become major drivers of medical innovation. There are major opportunities in China, India, Southeast Asia, and South America as these areas are experiencing an increasing demand for healthcare. There are needs to deliver better healthcare in the rural areas of these countries. Also, there are a lot of opportunities with telemedicine, enabling the rural patient to be able to communicate with doctors in major cities and get decent healthcare, without having to travel to the city. Finally, consider personal healthcare. People want to take better care of themselves, especially since it is known that they are going to be living longer, and want to age gracefully and stay as healthy as possible. All of these trends are combining to bring strong growth to the medical market; the semiconductor portion of this market is estimated to be about $2.7 billion, and this is expected to be a $5 billion market in seven to eight years.

PTM Published on: 2011-09-09