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Portable Medical Solutions Slide 12

A key trend today that is going to affect healthcare delivery for tomorrow is connectivity. Just having a device is not adequate; it is necessary to have medical devices that are capable of sending data from the patient to the doctor for evaluation. Basically, there are two types of connectivity; tethered and wireless. Within TI, the preference is to have a lot of wireless options to offer. Shown in this slide is the MSP430 with the CC2560 Bluetooth® development platform. This is a comprehensive platform with the red board in the middle, which is a MSP430 Experimenter Board, along with the small board to the left, which is the Bluetooth board that plugs into the MSP430 Experimenter Board. There are several sample Bluetooth applications available. The first of these is an accelerometer-based game that takes advantage of the accelerometer on the MSP430 Experimenter Board. Another application allows the developer to take temperature readings and have the readings sent via Bluetooth to a computer. Included in this platform is the serial port profile (SPP) that is available from TI and the health device profile (HDP) which is available from MindTree, a platform partner working with TI. Also, when the specifications are finalized for Bluetooth low energy, the platform will be capable of incorporating BLE capabilities. TI will create a ROM spin on the CC2560 and enable the platform to allow it to operate with dual-mode capabilities.

PTM Published on: 2011-09-09