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LTspice® XVII Simulation Results

Back to the virtual lab in LTspice® for analysis. For clarity, the results of the Monte Carlo simulation of three runs are shown here with the load connection happening at three different moments, depending on the tolerance (mainly on R25 of the PTC). Shown in the middle pane is the PTC temperature spread between +135°C and +150°C. Take note of the trick used to represent the temperature in LTspice: the voltage which represents the temperature searched for is multiplied by +1°C / 1 V and is then displayed as degrees Celsius. By repeating this kind of simulation (herein three times), it is very easy to identify the limits of the switch time delay, and of course to eventually adapt the number of PTC network elements, the R25 value, or even the PTC component size, depending on how the simulation results compare to specific application requirements and expectations.

PTM Published on: 2021-03-01