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Low Offset and Low Noise CMOS Op Amp Image of ROHM's Low Offset Low Noise Graph

Here is a CMOS op amp series featuring low noise and low input offset voltage. These high-accuracy op amps provide good all-around performance. The LMR180x series achieves class-leading low noise. The bias current is also low since it is a CMOS type, making these products easy to use for customers. The TLR377 and TLR376 series are CMOS rail-to-rail products that support a wide range of applications. They are characterized by low temperature dependence of the input offset voltage. The maximum temperature drift of the input offset voltage is 4.0 uV/ºC. Regarding temperature drift, few competitors offer a MAX guarantee. This is a selling point of these products.

PTM Published on: 2023-12-14