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Image of InnoSenT iSYS-6030 Radar System for Distance Measurement - iSYS-6030

The radar system iSYS-6030 detects stationary and slow moving targets up to 15 kilometers per hour and outputs the distance and signal strength in a target list. It is possible to filter the detection range and RCS. The user can set a limit value and can decide which objects will be tolerated. The product offers two different operation modes: with the single target mode the sensor focuses the detection on a single object or one point of a subject surface. The user chooses this mode to know the highest point of a filling material or the shortest distance independent of an uneven surface. The multiple target mode captures the distance of up to ten targets. The sensor captures different distance values at certain points in order to get an average value. With this mode it is possible to compensate unevenness which is caused by unbalanced filling. The user can program and assign the four outputs individually. This opens up additional setting options and the connection of extended control functions. The output can be used as a trigger. Here is a practical example: the sensor indicates its start-up and is ready for measuring. Then, an appropriately programmed output can trigger a measurement. Afterwards, the sensor switches off again. For easy configuration, the manufacturer provides a user manual and a GUI.

PTM Published on: 2021-05-20