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Image of Allegro Microsystems APM80950 and APM80951 LED Driver Modules - EMI Vs Discrete

Radiated and conducted EMI is typically a concern when using a switching regulator. The fashion in which the APM80950 and APM80951 have been designed sets them apart from the typical switching regulator. The APM80950 and APM80951 demonstrate a reduction of five-times the conducted emissions as a comparable discrete regulator. Please take note of the difference in noise level between the red trace and the blue trace over multiple frequencies. Due to the integrated passive components, the ground loops are shortened resulting in less radiated noise. With the integration of an EMI filter, the user will find it's easier to pass the most stringent EMI requirements. The APM80950 and APM80951 manage dead time carefully to minimize ringing on the switch node so there is no need for snubbers or ring suppression circuits, saving cost and increasing efficiency. Due to the advanced packaging technology, the APM80950 and APM80951 reduce parasitic inductance thereby minimizing the noise generated from it.