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Demand for Software Simulation

Demand for software simulation has been growing for more than 40 years, and with a continued need for more functionality and faster results. The means to accelerate time-to-market and lower cost is more critical than ever before. This is true for all market segments and applications, especially the constantly changing automotive and industrial IoT landscape. Design engineers want electronic models for the sensors they intend to use and they want them fit for use in their particular software from the start. Who has the time nowadays to solve model importation problems? The customer would be better off dedicating this time to solving the application. Vishay has understood this loud and clear, as their NTC models have been successfully imported in several commercial SPICE programs available to the market. The use of Vishay’s thermistor models in LTspice®, PSpice, Multisim, and all the other software appearing here are straightforward. More multidiscipline software like Saber RD and SystemVision’s VHDL AMS also fully support Vishay’s models.

PTM Published on: 2021-01-05