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Image of Innodisk Camera Modules - Interface Comparison

Various camera interfaces bring different features to the table. Starting with the slowest, USB2 provides a limited bandwidth connection that is highly compatible with almost any system, and although its 5 meter maximum cable length is a plus, even a low-res 2 MP can only handle 5 frames per second (fps). USB3 goes up to 3 meters and provides much better bandwidth with 2 MP at 60 fps or 5 MP at 30 fps. MIPI CSI-2 uses a different interface with much higher bandwidth with 2 MP at 120 fps, 5 MP at 60 fps, or 8 MP at 30 fps at a distance of up to half a meter, providing the resolution needed for best-in-class edge-based AI analysis. Finally, SerDes enables the MIPI connection to be extended to up to 15 meters, suitable for vehicle applications.

PTM Published on: 2024-03-08