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Image of Innodisk Camera Modules - Summary

In summary, Innodisk’s camera modules have three major advantages: customized development, platform compatibility, and ISP adaptation. At the same time, quality and longevity are guaranteed to the same high standards as all Innodisk products and are backed up with three years of warranty. Camera modules are used in a wide variety of applications, from ATMs to hospital bedside infotainment systems. Innodisk’s optimized cameras will meet the varied requirements of these applications, including AI image recognition, where a small MIPI camera may need to fit into a parking meter or smart charging station to detect number plates, or into a production line to detect defects automatically. Alongside Innodisk’s other video recording technologies such as InnoREC for SSDs, the company creates a complete solution for integrators with video capture needs.

PTM Published on: 2024-03-08