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Image of Allegro Microsystems Magnetic High-Current Sensors - Notch Does Not Create a Fuse

In order to concentrate further the current and the induced magnetic field so that the linear field current sensor can get the best coupling factor, notches can be inserted in the busbar. This is a common technique that some designers reluctantly use thinking that it would increase the resistance value too much, resulting in wasted energy. However, looking at the heat generated at the notch level for a 10mm wide busbar receiving 2mm notches on each side, there is a very slight temperature change at the notch. Furthermore, measuring the actual added resistance, the 0.5µΩ are negligible, and hence do not decrease much of the performance of the measurement. The hotspot detected is then negligible, for a 300A continuous measurement, encouraging the designer to consider this technique more often as it does not present much downside.

PTM Published on: 2021-02-18