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Image of Allegro Microsystems Magnetic High-Current Sensors - Which Solution is Better

Now that the different high-current techniques have been shown, it's time to discuss which design to choose from for the application. In a nutshell, the core-based solution has the best overall performance, but costs more, and requires more space. Furthermore, it has some intrinsic hysteresis that needs to be taken into account. The single-ended shielded coreless solution is the best in applications where there is crosstalk. However, this requires an expensive and voluminous shield. It also reduces the potential bandwidth the IC can run at, and therefore has a slower response time with an increased hysteresis. The single-ended coreless solution is cheaper and allows to get a faster time response, and contrary of the shielded solution, does not have a hysteresis. However, it is not protected against stray fields or crosstalk and can be noisy. Additionally, it has a reduced bandwidth. The differential coreless solution sitting close to a busbar with a hole will be relatively cost effective and small, but requires an additional step to create the hole at the right dimensions. It features a fast response time and good stray field rejection without hysteresis, but it does not solve much with its crosstalk sensitivity. Finally, the best compromise would come from the differential coreless on top of a notched busbar. It is relatively cheap and small in comparison with the other solutions. It shows great performance for the bandwidth and the stray field rejection without hysteresis, but it is tricky to install with a high sensitivity to placement tolerance. Furthermore, it has a reduced clearance that would not fit in many applications in environments with vibrations. Lastly, it is still relatively noisy and cannot protect much against crosstalk.

PTM Published on: 2021-02-18