
NXP Smart Charging Solutions | DigiKey Daily

NXP offers Smart Charging Solutions via their total USB Type-C AC-to-DC solutions which offer features including high power density, high efficiency, security, direct charging capabilities, and more. The smart charging solution consists of: a primary side flyback quasi-resonant, or QR, controller; a secondary side synchronous rectifier, or SR, controller; and a protocol controller. The flyback QR controller is applicable for battery chargers for smartphones, media tablets, and other mobile devices with touchpad display. The SR controller can be used in all power supplies requiring high efficiency. Examples include chargers, adapters, and flyback power supplies with very low and/or variable output voltage. The Protocol controller is well suited for USB chargers for smart phones and tablets supporting Qualcomm QuickCharge protocols.

5/1/2019 1:33:48 PM