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Image of Transphorms High Voltage GaN

高压 GaN

SuperGaN 平台凭借出色的可靠性、可驱动性、可设计性和性能提高了 GaN 解决方案的标准。

Image of Transphorm's SuperGaN Evaluation Boards and Kits


易于使用的平台,允许用户研究 Transphorm GaN 在各种拓扑中的优势。

Image of Transphorms Customer Innovations


公司使用 Transphorm GaN 获得颠覆性性能突破的真实案例。

Tools and Support


Learn how to use voltage acceleration in GaN reliability testing for accurate performance analysis
Learn how to use voltage acceleration in GaN reliability testing for accurate performance analysis
Transphorm GaN is powering disruptive changes across various markets and applications
Transphorm GaN is powering disruptive changes across various markets and applications
Learn how Transphorm’s innovative, AEC-Q101 GaN devices revolutionize electric vehicle systems
Learn how Transphorms innovative AECQ101 GaN devices revolutionize electric vehicle systems
Get to know the industry’s leading provider of high voltage GaN power solutions
Get to know the industry’s leading provider of high voltage GaN power solutions

近期 PTM

5 minutes
GaN versus Silicon Carbide (SiC) in Power Electronics Circuit Topologies
Overview of GaN versus Silicon Carbide in DC-DC hard switched synchronous boost converter, including a competitive analysis and PFC customer example.

关于 Transphorm

Transphorm, Inc. 是 GaN 革命的全球领导者,为高压电源转换应用设计、制造高性能和高可靠性 GaN 半导体。Transphorm 的 GaN IP 产品组合是同类中最大的产品组合之一,拥有超过 1,000 项自有或获得许可的专利,生产出业界首款符合 JEDEC 和 AEC-Q101 标准的高压 GaN 半导体器件。在该公司的垂直整合设备业务模式中,每个开发阶段都可进行创新:提供设计、制造、设备和应用支持。Transphorm 的创新使电力电子产品超越了硅的限制,可实现超过 99% 的效率、超过40% 的功率密度并将系统成本降低 20%。Transphorm 总部位于加利福尼亚州戈利塔,并在日本戈利塔和会津设有制造业务。
