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MSP430Ware Overview Slide 4

Shown here is the MSP430Ware package at a glance, as it is delivered through Code Composer Studio’s resource explorer. MSP430Ware is delivered through a two pane system. In the left pane, there is a windows explorer-type folder structure. This allows customers to dig into the available content by diving into folders organized by MSP430 devices, MSP430 hardware tools and MSP430 software libraries. The left pane is where customers will find PDFs for various documentation, code example files, driver libraries and other content. In the right pane is a more graphical interface. Through this GUI-based window, customers can filter content by device, hardware tool or software library – all through the use of intuitive buttons, pictures and links. In addition, these two panes are connected. Clicking on the picture of a specific MSP430 device in the right pane, causes all of the relevant content to filter and present itself immediately within the left pane. So in the example shown here, clicking on the MSP430F5529 experimenter’s board, will present with all of the associated documentation, code examples and more. Users can also directly import code examples and projects directly from the MSP430Ware package, straight into the Code Composer Studio project window. Rather than having to Google an MSP430G2553 blinking LED code example and copying and pasting it into an empty project, MSP430Ware enables developers to single click import all code examples straight into the development environment. TI has abstracted that entire process into a single mouse click, allowing developers to get up and running immediately.

PTM Published on: 2012-05-07