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In summary, the BeagleBone is a versatile platform capable of running a full Linux OS while also retaining real-time capability. Designed with industrial use in mind and documentation designed for entry-level developers, the BeagleBone has numerous I/O and protocol support, while being developer friendly. Also, it supports various different hardware and software customizations to fulfill the needs of the customers. Seeed’s BeagleBones have full open source software and hardware support. This allows developers to fully understand the development platform and quickly identify what can and cannot be supported. In addition, there is an active community which can provide help and provide answers that may not be clear or easy to find otherwise. Also, the BeagleBone is an SBC development board designed for quick prototyping. There are numerous capes which add additional functionality, allowing proof of concepts to be quickly built. Many of these capes are designed by the community and are fully open source as well. The company has created a Grove cape to allow many of the Grove modules to be attached to the BeagleBones, allowing developers access up to 200+ open source modules and open source libraries. So, the BeagleBones are the solution to all the projects that require real time input and output control while running a full Linux OS on a compact sized single board computer.
PTM Published on: 2018-10-24