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In summary, Panasonic’s PAN1780 is a Bluetooth 5 Low Energy (LE) module based on the Nordic nRF52840 single-chip controller. The Bluetooth 5 features additionally a higher symbol rate of 2 Mbps using the high-speed LE 2M PHY or a significantly longer range using the LE coded PHY at 500 kb/s or 125 kb/s. The channel selection algorithm (CSA#2) improves the performance in high interference environments. Furthermore, the LE advertising extensions allow for much larger amounts of data to be broadcasted in connectionless scenarios. An output power of up to 8 dBm and the high sensitivity of the nRF52840 in combination with the LE coded PHY make the module very attractive in applications, where a long range is required. In addition, the low current consumption of the PAN1780 makes the module an ideal choice for battery powered devices.

PTM Published on: 2020-12-21