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Shared Link

First, let's look at what a shared link is. A shared link enables communication and the sharing of resources with each other. In the HX3, the shared link can extend the functionality of USB downstream ports, connecting up to four USB 2.0 downstream ports and up to four additional SS TX and RX for internal communication. For example, in embedded systems, the SS TX and RX can connect to a USB 3.2 camera or to a card reader bridge-chip. For independent control, HX3 has a downstream VBUS enable pin and a power enable pin. Any connection failures initiate toggling of its VBUS enable pin. The triggers in the downstream port re-initiate the enumeration process as an “unplug, disconnect, and connect” event. This is a unique feature implementation to support the shared link in the HX3 hub.

PTM Published on: 2024-04-09