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EM Microelectronics Bluetooth® Beacons - Asset and Package Tracking

The most obvious applications for beacons relate to tracking. The beacons allows the customer to answer the most basic question: “Where is the asset into which the beacon is integrated?”. Examples include hospital equipment, which can be needed urgently, like a crash cart or mobile X-ray; or expensive sub-assemblies on the factory floor; or expensive tools at a construction site. It also allows the customer to answer questions about the conditions to which a device has been exposed. An accelerometer in the beacon will tell the customer if a tool has been dropped or gotten too cold, as it might put it out of calibration; or if it has been exposed to too much humidity for too long. Package tracking is a special case, which is very cost-sensitive: the lower the cost of the beacon, the greater the variety of packages with which it can be used.

PTM Published on: 2021-06-22