
onsemi USB Type-C Solutions | DigiKey Daily

The new USB-C, technically known as USB Type-C, standard enables higher performance and promises convenience and simplicity for users, designers, and manufacturers. onsemi delivers a complete portfolio for the USB Type-C and power delivery solutions. For example, the USB-C-compatible AC-to-DC wall adapter solutions are highly efficient and compact. And due to their minimal quiescent currents, they minimize heat dissipation. To support the myriad of USB-C accessories, such as chargers, adapters, and peripherals, many of which require power, onsemi provides discrete and integrated power bank solutions, both of which meet the latest USB-C and USB power delivery specifications. USB-C active cable solutions, from onsemi, enable high gain equalization, high-precision, and low jitter with full USB compliance.

8/22/2018 4:17:02 PM