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了解 Wolfspeed 如何引领从硅到碳化硅的过渡,并为所有人创造更可持续的未来

Image of Wolfspeed CAB011M12FM3


Wolfspeed 碳化硅电源模块以紧凑的行业标准封装提高了效率和功率密度。

Image of Wolfspeed SpeedFit Design Simulator

SpeedFit™ 设计仿真器

易于使用的界面可评估最常见的电源拓扑,从降压和升压转换器到带有谐振 DC/DC 转换器的全双向图腾柱 PFC。


Quick Start: Buck/Boost Filter
Quick Start: Buck/Boost Filter
A Closer Look at the Double Pulse Test
A Closer Look at the Double Pulse Test
Unboxing Wolfspeed’s SpeedVal Kit
Unboxing Wolfspeed's SpeedVal Kit
Wolfspeed WolfPACK™ Silicon Carbide Power Modules | Datasheet Preview
Wolfspeed WolfPACK™ Silicon Carbide Power Modules | Datasheet Preview

近期 PTM

10 minutes
Wolfspeed WolfPACK™ Silicon Carbide Power Modules
Increase efficiency and power density in a compact, industry-standard footprint for fast design implementation, scalability, and lower assembly overhead.
5 minutes
Second-Generation C2M1000170D Silicon Carbide MOSFET
Wolfspeed's Gen2 1700 V SiC MOSFET can reduce system cost while improving the reliability.
15 minutes
SiC Diodes in Inverter Modules
Wolfspeed’s Silicon Carbide (SiC) diodes and the benefits they provide when implemented into power inverter applications.
15 minutes
SiC Schottky Diodes
Active Power Factor Correction (PFC) basics, SiC Schottky selection guide, and design considerations.

关于 Wolfspeed

Wolfspeed(纽交所代码:NYSE)在全球采用碳化硅和 GaN 技术方面处于市场领先地位。我们为高效能源消耗和可持续未来提供行业领先的解决方案。Wolfspeed 的产品系列包括碳化硅材料、电源开关器件和射频器件,涵盖电动汽车、快速充电、5G、可再生能源和存储以及航空航天和国防等各种应用。我们努力工作、精诚协作和激情创新,激发出强大的动力。