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Skeleton Technologies


近期 PTM

5 minutes
SkelMod 51V Ultracapacitor Module
This presentation will cover the SkelMod 51 V Ultracapacitor Module, its technical parameters, and common use cases.
5 minutes
SkelCap SCA Series Ultracapacitor Cells
This presentation will review the SkelCap SCA Series, their technical parameters, and common ultracapacitor use cases.
5 minutes
SkelCap SCA0300 Ultracapacitor Cell
This presentation will cover the SCA0300, its technical parameters, and some common ultracapacitor use cases.

关于 Skeleton Technologies

自 2009 年开发出基于石墨烯的超级电容器以来,Skeleton Technologies 一直致力于改革储能行业。他们的 SkelCap 超级电容器代表了过去 20 年来行业最大的技术进步。Skeleton Technologies 致力于通过开发、生产全球上最优的超级电容器电池、模块和系统来帮助各个公司节省能源。超级电容器性能出色,完全避免了其他储能技术的不足。这让他们有机会帮助那些可能无法实现业务混合化或电气化的公司。