AMM20B Multi-Turn Magnetic Position Sensor

AMM20B Multi-Turn Magnetic Position Sensor

Bourns Inc.

The objective of this tutorial is to familiarize users with the product and provide detail on some of the innovative features that make this product well-suited for their application. This presentation will review the product construction and assembly, followed by a brief overview of the specifications. It will then highlight some of the benefits and features of the model AMM20B and will cover typical application examples. The module will conclude with reference materials and a final overview of the product.

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图片制造商零件编号描述技术旋转角度 - 电气,机械线性范围可供货数量价格查看详情
SENSOR ROTARY 3960DEG PC PINAMM20B5A1BLASL380SENSOR ROTARY 3960DEG PC PIN霍尔效应0° ~ 3600°,0° ~ 3960°-0 - 立即发货
1114 - 厂方库存
PTM Published on: 2013-03-04