New Product Discoveries - PUI Audio's Exciter and Pimoroni's micro:bit Development Board

Today on New Product Discoveries I have an Exciter from PUI Audio and the micro:bit educational development board from Pimoroni.

PUI Audio has traditionally been known for their speaker products. Today, we are presenting a product called an Exciter (ASX08808-TP-R). Similar to a speaker, an Exciter is a voice coil that is made to be mounted on a hard surface. The inherent dynamic quality of the surface in which the Exciter is mounted is what affects the emitted frequency color. The advantage of an Exciter over a traditional speaker is that sound is emitted in a planar fashion. This means the emitted sound waves are more easily picked up without having to be directly in front of the Exciter.

Another product I would like to discuss is the micro:bit educational board from Pimoroni. Pimoroni is well known for their offering of educational tools and kits – the micro:bit is no different. The micro:bit prototyping kit comes with all the required accessories to get you creating micro:bit projects with ease. The micro:bit is programmed through a graphical form which lends itself to teaching children microprocessor programming. There are a few different micro:bit kits available, and the board alone can be purchased as well – all on

Thank you for listening!


Image of Randy Restle

Randall Restle 在电子元器件行业从业四十余载,学识渊博、经验丰富。 现处于半退休状态,担任 DigiKey 应用工程副总裁。他曾经领导过多个应用工程、技术人员和管理人员团队,指导他们开发原创、独有的先进技术产品。

其个人擅长数字信号处理、可编程逻辑实现、运动控制改进和软件设计。 他拥有多项专利,横跨多个行业,是 IEEE 的高级会员。 Randall 拥有辛辛那提大学 BSEE、MS 和 MBA 学位。

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